4340 PSČ, Austrália

PSČ 4340 (Nájdené 18 kusy miesto (miesta)): Ashwell, Calvert, Ebenezer, Grandchester, Jeebropilly, Lanefield, Lower Mount Walker, Merryvale, Moorang, Mount Forbes, Mount Mort, Mount Walker, Mount Walker West, Rosevale, Rosewood, Tallegalla, The Bluff, Woolshed. Pri ostatných smerovacich čislach v Austrália kliknite sem.

Priemerná GPS súradnice pre psČ 4340: -27.74, 152.527

Zoznam miest:
>> Ashwell 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.7448,152.5241
>> Calvert 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.6667,152.5167
>> Ebenezer 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.6833,152.6333
>> Grandchester 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.6667,152.4667
>> Jeebropilly 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.7448,152.5241
>> Lanefield 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.65,152.55
>> Lower Mount Walker 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.7609,152.5176
>> Merryvale 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.7609,152.5176
>> Moorang 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.9167,152.4667
>> Mount Forbes 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.7333,152.6167
>> Mount Mort 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.7609,152.5176
>> Mount Walker 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.7833,152.5333
>> Mount Walker West 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.7609,152.5176
>> Rosevale 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.85,152.4833
>> Rosewood 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.7609,152.5176
>> Tallegalla 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.5742,152.5473
>> The Bluff 4340, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -27.7609,152.5176
>> Woolshed 4340, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -27.7448,152.5241