4825 PSČ, Austrália

PSČ 4825 (Nájdené 36 kusy miesto (miesta)): Alpurrurulam, Barkly, Breakaway, Buckingham, Carrandotta, Dajarra, Duchess, Fielding, Fisher, Georgina, Gunpowder, Happy Valley, Healy, Kalkadoon, Lanskey, Lawn Hill, Menzies, Mica Creek, Miles End, Mornington, Mount Isa, Mount Isa City, Mount Isa DC, Mount Isa East, Parkside, Pioneer, Piturie, Ryan, Soldiers Hill, Spreadborough, Sunset, The Gap, The Monument, Townview, Waverley, Winston. Pri ostatných smerovacich čislach v Austrália kliknite sem.

Priemerná GPS súradnice pre psČ 4825: -20.779, 141.268

Zoznam miest:
>> Alpurrurulam 4825, Northern Territory, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Barkly 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Breakaway 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Buckingham 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Carrandotta 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Dajarra 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.6958,139.5159
>> Duchess 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Fielding 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Fisher 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Georgina 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Gunpowder 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Happy Valley 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Healy 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -20.7418,139.5014
>> Kalkadoon 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Lanskey 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Lawn Hill 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Menzies 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Mica Creek 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -20.7668,139.4913
>> Miles End 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -20.7241,139.4867
>> Mornington 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Mount Isa 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -20.7266,139.4943
>> Mount Isa City 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Mount Isa DC 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Mount Isa East 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Parkside 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Pioneer 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Piturie 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Ryan 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Soldiers Hill 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Spreadborough 4825, Queensland, GPS súradnice: -20.1386,145.8436
>> Sunset 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -20.7086,139.5101
>> The Gap 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> The Monument 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Townview 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -20.7319,139.5077
>> Waverley 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -21.2234,138.7211
>> Winston 4825, Queensland, TOOWOOMBA SE CNR, GPS súradnice: -20.7127,139.4967