PH16 PSČ, Spojené kráľovstvo

PSČ PH16 (Nájdené 17 kusy miesto (miesta)): Aldclune, Foss, Kinloch Rannoch, Milton of Dalcapon, Braes of Foss, Tummel Bridge, Port na Craig, Dunalastair, Killiecrankie, Moulin, Inverhadden, Tressait, Pitlochry, Balliemore, Tempar, Lassintullich, Badyo. Pri ostatných smerovacich čislach v Spojené kráľovstvo kliknite sem.

Priemerná GPS súradnice pre psČ ph16: 56.707, -3.965

Zoznam miest:
>> Aldclune PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647
>> Foss PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.6975,-3.979
>> Kinloch Rannoch PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7011,-4.187
>> Milton of Dalcapon PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647
>> Braes of Foss PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647
>> Tummel Bridge PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7075,-4.021
>> Port na Craig PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647
>> Dunalastair PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7037,-4.1077
>> Killiecrankie PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7429,-3.779
>> Moulin PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.713,-3.7265
>> Inverhadden PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.6833,-4.1833
>> Tressait PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647
>> Pitlochry PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7051,-3.7343
>> Balliemore PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647
>> Tempar PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647
>> Lassintullich PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647
>> Badyo PH16, Perthshire, Scotland, GPS súradnice: 56.7068,-3.9647